Vehicle Speed Monitoring System

Ensure Site Safety...with real-time and recorded video evidence of vehicle activity and speed on-site.

Overlay SpeedSight data
on your video surveillance screens

with video

Key Features

Live Real-Time Video

SpeedSight enables live, real-time video and overlaid data of vehicles travelling past the radar.

Speed Sign Integration

The SpeedSight software solution can be used alongside existing vehicle activated speed signs.

Alarm Activations

Real-time alarms can be be activated and generated if any vehicles break the designated speed limits.

Email Notifications

Email Notifications can be automatically sent to users when any alerts are triggered.

Request a demonstration

Complete the form below for a free no-obligation demonstration on how SpeedSight can be integrated into your existing video surveillance screens

  • Free demonstration on how SpeedSight can work for you
  • To discuss your requirements, call 0333 344 3717

Ensure Site Safety

...with our cost effective and easily integrated traffic monitoring system.

SpeedSight is an integrated traffic monitoring system that aids traffic calming throughout your site and helps ensure the safety of everyone working on site or visiting your business. Our radar and integrated software system allows you to overlay the data onto video surveillance screens, meaning a cost effective and simple solution. It seamlessly integrates with video surveillance software, offering real-time and recorded video evidence of vehicles if they are exceeding any given speed limit.

Speedsight is entirely configurable and can be personalised to your business. It’s the perfect solution for everything from high volume traffic areas and sites with limited space, through to private company roads and busy car parks.

Request A Demo

Safety in Numbers

  • Provides live and recorded video evidence of vehicles when exceeding speed limit
  • The speed displayed on video image is the same as the speed displayed on the sign.
  • When the vehicle is within the speed limit, the text in the video image is green.
  • When the vehicle exceeds the speed limit, the text in the video image goes red.
  • Ensures the safe movement of staff and visitors around your site.
  • Deters drivers from speeding and helps avoid accidents.
  • Assists with behaviour modification for repeat offenders.
  • Helps reinforce on-site road rules and regulations.
  • Perfect tool for site managers and H&S executives.
  • Cost effective and easy to maintain.

Personalised to you

The SpeedSight systems comes with various configurable options to ensure that you can personalise it to your exact needs and requirements, some of which are:

  • The speed limit within Speedsight is entirely configurable to your needs.
  • Can be set to allow vehicles to travel within acceptable speed tolerances.
  • Can function as a standalone service or as a networked system feeding back to a central control system
  • Can seamlessly integrate into video surveillance software
  • Can notify as many recipients as required.

To find out how SpeedSight could benefit you
Call 0333 344 3717 or send us a message


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